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Books for December
We’re collecting The Polar Express books to give each foundation family on the train. We will be collecting other Christmas and holiday books for the children who will be spending their December in the hospital. Christmas Book Wish List:…Of course, ANY amount donated is greatly appreciated!*FFPF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Ask your tax advisor about…

Polar Express Trip 2018
Photo collages from last year’s Polar Express trip. November 2019 update – We’ve booked a deluxe train car on the POLAR EXPRESS again this winter and we’ll be taking 54 special guests to the North Pole Village. But we need your help to make the magic happen. Please considering sponsoring a seat for $87. Perhaps…
Working on Annual Fundraiser
Working on donations for the silent auction that will take place during our annual Fundraiser held at Signatures in Gahanna this year on March 3rd from 1-6 pm. If you or your company would be willing to help out, please let me know ASAP! Thank you, friends.
People will never forget how you made them feel.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

2013 Scholarship Recipient
A quote from this year’s scholarship recipient… “So grateful to be awarded the Faith Pruden Scholarship. I look forward to dancing in her honor at Anderson University.” -Madison Cordle

Donate Here
Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to help us continue or mission. DONATE HERE or through PayPal at, PayPal.Me/FFPF or by check. Email us for our mailing address. Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law. Check with your tax advisor. if you are…