Westerville’s Roush Honda
Stay tuned….our new Foundation already has an exciting September GOLD RIBBON AWARENESS campaign in progress with Westerville’s ROUSH HONDA!
Stay tuned….our new Foundation already has an exciting September GOLD RIBBON AWARENESS campaign in progress with Westerville’s ROUSH HONDA!
It’s just two weeks away! Drink for a a Dream 5 will be held at Dempsey’s Food & Spirits on Sunday, April 6th. Cover charge/donation at the door covers the Breakfast Buffet from 8-11 and/or Lunch Buffet from 11:30-3. With morning Bloody Mary specials and beer specials in the afternoon! 50/50 Raffles and Silent Auction,…
Photo collages from last year’s Polar Express trip. November 2019 update – We’ve booked a deluxe train car on the POLAR EXPRESS again this winter and we’ll be taking 54 special guests to the North Pole Village. But we need your help to make the magic happen. Please considering sponsoring a seat for $87. Perhaps…
If you haven’t heard…little Fernanda is a two year old from Westerville who is battling brain cancer. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to help us continue or mission. DONATE HERE or through PayPal at GoldRibbonAwareness@gmail.com, PayPal.Me/FFPF or by check. Email us for our mailing address. Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law. Check with your tax advisor. if you are…
Here’s the new logo for the Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation, created by artist and designer Alice Frenz. She’s also our web designer.