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Books for December
We’re collecting The Polar Express books to give each foundation family on the train. We will be collecting other Christmas and holiday books for the children who will be spending their December in the hospital. Christmas Book Wish List:…Of course, ANY amount donated is greatly appreciated!*FFPF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Ask your tax advisor about…

Outstanding Woman 2016
Mary Taylor was honored as one of Sunny 95’s 20 Outstanding Women for 2016. Mary is the founder of the Faith Pruden Memorial Scholarship and the non-profit Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation, working tirelessly, even when facing her own medical challenges, to support children and their families in coping with Childhood Cancer. Read more here…
Wine Tasting
Join us on Saturday, September 29 from 5-7pm at Meza Wine Shop in Westerville and have a great time supporting our 2018 Christmas Campaign! $25 at the door includes wine, cookies and a chance to purchase tickets for our raffle! Bring a friend, get a free raffle ticket! 🍷

2019 holiday wish list
There are several ways you can make Christmastime a memorable one for our kids. One way; sponsor a seat on our PRIVATE train car on the Polar Express. 🚂 Or perhaps you’d like to sponsor a book from our Amazon Christmas Wishlist. The books will be delivered to the 12th …
Kroger Rewards for FFPF
Just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who uses Kroger Community Rewards. The donations from your purchases really add up! If you’re interested in this easy was to give, just link your current Kroger Rewards card number to FRIENDS OF FAITH PRUDEN FOUNDATION (RI323) using this link. (You will need to crest a…

Dempsey’s April 2014
Thanks to everyone who turned out for the Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation annual fundraiser!