2019 Faith Pruden Memorial Scholarship

If you know a graduating senior attending a Central Ohio School (public or private) that is a cancer survivor or is currently coping with a cancer diagnosis, encourage them to apply. This year’s deadline is March 31, 2016. For more information, click here. Save
Help us raise Childhood Cancer Awareness and funds for this special scholarship named after 7 year old, Faith Pruden. DRINK FOR A DREAM… a good time and great cause for FOUR years now. At Signatures in Gahanna Sunday, March 3 from 1-6 pm Sign the petition to bring GOLD RIBBONS to the NFL and MLB…
Happy 10th Birthday, Faith! You are forever loved and very missed.
Please pray for a Westerville School family who recently lost EVERYTHING but the clothes they were wearing in a home fire. Unfortunately they were renting and had NO insurance but thankfully mom, dad and all five kids are safe!
Meet Madison Cordle…the 2013 Faith Pruden Memorial Scholarship recipient. She will be studying dance and business at Anderson University in the fall. We wish you all the best, Madison!
Hey Westerville School kids….celebrate your LAST DAY OF SCHOOL at Orange Leaf!! 20% of sales will go to help a Westerville School family as their child fights brain cancer. Just tell the cashier you are “a friend of Faith’s!”