We had a very successful event! Still waiting on the totals. Thank you to everyone who helped out in so many different ways!!
We had a very successful event! Still waiting on the totals. Thank you to everyone who helped out in so many different ways!!
Help us raise Childhood Cancer Awareness and funds for this special scholarship named after 7 year old, Faith Pruden. DRINK FOR A DREAM… a good time and great cause for FOUR years now. At Signatures in Gahanna Sunday, March 3 from 1-6 pm Sign the petition to bring GOLD RIBBONS to the NFL and MLB…
Friday, February 15 is INTERNATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER DAY. Help raise awareness!
Working on donations for the silent auction that will take place during our annual Fundraiser held at Signatures in Gahanna this year on March 3rd from 1-6 pm. If you or your company would be willing to help out, please let me know ASAP! Thank you, friends.
GREAT NEWS… Scholarship applications will be in shortly and it looks like year number 3 has the most applicants yet! Can hardly wait until May when Faith’s mom, Sarah McGuire Worley and I award $1000 to a lucky Westerville High School senior.
The date, time and place for our annual fundraiser has been finalized. Please mark your calendar….Sunday, March 3rd from 1-6pm at SIGNATURES DELI-CAFE in Gahanna Remember -FAMILIES WELCOME!! If you are able to donate a basket for the silent auction, please let me know!
Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” Richard L. Evans
Life is an Adventure … Dare it. Life is a Challenge … Meet it. Life is a Love … Enjoy it. Life is a Tragedy … Face it. Life is a Struggle … Fight it. Life is a Game … Play it. Life is a Gift … Accept it. Life is a Goal … Achieve…
Katharine E. Hall
Join us on June 9, 2011, for the Second Annual Faith Pruden Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on Polaris Parkway. ~ Westerville Alumni Association
“Live for something. Do good, and leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storm of time can never destroy.”
Thank you to some wonderful high school students (who would like to remain anonymous) for their generous donation! Who said young people only care about themselves? I’m here to say…that’s NOT true!
Faith Pruden Memorial Scholarship is on Facebook. Click here to visit.
February 9 – 11, 2011