The mission of the Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation is to raise awareness of childhood cancer and the gold ribbon, provide financial and emotional support to oncology patients and their families at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and award post-high school scholarships to students in central Ohio.
Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to help us continue our mission.
DONATE HERE or through PayPal at, PayPal.Me/FFPF or by check. Email us for our mailing address.
Friends of Faith Pruden Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law. Check with your tax advisor.
If you are making a donation in honor or memory of someone special, please leave us a comment/note. We’d love your mailing address, too. Just for a proper thank you!
Hospital Giving Program
Our hospital giving program assists children and their families diagnosed and living with cancer through grants and donation of educational items to the oncology floor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Education Gift Wishlist
As part of our hospital giving program, we donate educational items to the oncology floor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. These gifts help the children and their families with the challenges of missed time from school. Learning is one of the joys of childhood, an activity and experience that can be shared between family, friends, and child.
children’s books
educational games
itunes gift cards for educational apps
Please contact us if you would like to help:
If you would like to help, please contact us through our Facebook page
or email address